, © 1992 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. ??? No database named "DentalOfficeDAL" has been defined. Use NDBSETUP to define "DENTALOFFICEDAL" and try this test again. No named databases have been defined. Use NDBSETUP to define "DENTALOFFICEDAL" and try this test again. That server is already in your "DAL Preferences" file. That server is already in your "Hosts.cl1" file. A_VALUE DAL is loaded. ADSP is loaded. AppleTalk is loaded. No NetWare SQL DAL servers in file. You will have to click the "Find Server" button in the next dialog. rem:: Next line added by DAL Check√ v Some errors were found. ***************************************************** File created successfully. You will have to click the "Find Server" button in the next dialog. rem:: This file created by DAL Check√ v . : were found The following No DAL Check√ DAL Connection Diagnostics version 1.0, Copyright 1992 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. DAL driver is not loaded! Please install DAL, restart the Mac, and run this test again. ADSP driver is not loaded! Please install ADSP, restart the Mac, and run this test again. AppleTalk driver is not loaded! Please install AppleTalk, restart the Mac, and run this test again. databases tables Database "DentalOfficeDAL" opened. NetWare SQL DBMS opened. DAL secondary error code: DAL primary error code: DAL CLEnd message sent; Additional error information provided by DAL is as follows: type of error. call returned an CLGetItem CLEnd CLExec CLSend CLConInfo unknown A_INUSE A_NOHOST A_SESSMAX A_NOTCONN A_EXEC A_BREAK A_BADTYPE A_READY A_ERROR A_NULL *** Timeout occurred on the server while waiting for data. data was retrieved successfully. DAL CLGetItem message sent; *** exec transmission failed! *** send transmission failed! exec transmitted successfully. send transmitted successfully. DAL CLExec message sent; DAL CLSend message sent; *** Unknown error! Code = *** Unexpected error!!! connection information returned. DAL CLConInfo message sent; " has completed. Test with server " DAL session closed cleanly. Attempt to close the DAL session caused an error. Unable to initiate DAL session with server " ". DAL session initiated with server " Please select a server! Unable to create the file "hosts.cl1". Sorry, but I can't go on. Unable to create the file "DAL Preferences". Sorry, but I can't go on. This program needs at least 128K ROMs, which were introduced with the MacPlus. We're going to Quit now. Sorry. "Hosts.cl1" "DAL Preferences" file created. file not found. file found. "Hosts.cl1" file not found in System folder! Do you want to create it? "DAL Preferences" file not found in System folder's Preferences folder! Do you want to create it? Click "Go" or press "Return" to proceed with the test. • Retrieve the names of available tables in the database • Open the named database • Open the DBMS • Perform a short DAL program on the server • Initiate a DAL session and connect to a DAL server • Parse "hosts.cl1" file for NetWare SQL servers • Parse "DAL Preferences" file for NetWare SQL servers • Locate "hosts.cl1" file • Locate "DAL Preferences" file This test will perform the following steps in order to verify that this Macintosh is able to connect to a DAL server and that DAL is running correctly on the server: Diagnostic tests complete. System is working correctly. Hosts.cl1 DAL Preferences DAL Connection Diagnostics